11 Reasons Why Is My Electric Bill So High?

11 Reasons Why Is My Electric Bill So High?

The ever-growing cost of electricity is an excellent source of discontent and financial stress. In the year 2020, 27 percent of US households reported having difficulty paying their electric bills, and they also reported that they had kept their homes at a dangerous temperature. Based on Air Conditioning And Heating Contractors, out of the typical cost of utilities for an US home, heating is the top of the list with 29% and cooling is 13 percent.

Due to the drastic changes in the weather, it appears that regardless of how hard you try you’re not able to keep up with the ever-growing electric costs. But don’t give up hope not yet! There are many things it is possible to do to reduce your electric bills. As an example changing to the smart thermostat or AC controller to automate cooling and heating could save you lots on electric bills.

Learn more about the reason you’re electric usage is high and what you can do to reduce it. With these helpful suggestions, you’ll be saving huge amounts of money within a matter of minutes!

The causes of a high electric Bill

Although you might think that you’re doing your best to reduce your electricity usage. You may have developed some unfavorable habits that have caused your electric cost skyrocket.

1. You’re Lazy About AC Maintenance

The cost of air conditioning is 17% of the total household electricity expenses. In climates with higher humidity this number rises to 27 percent. The lack of attention to maintenance can cause this figure increase exponentially. If, for instance, you’re AC filters have become blocked, then your AC has to be more efficient to deliver the same amount of cooling, requiring more energy. Fortunately, Los Angeles AC Repair will help you keep the track of cleanliness of your air filters by sending reminders on a regular basis. Additionally regular AC maintenance can also help you avoid costly repairs in the future.

2. You are the one who uses the most energy When you are at Peak Times

If you’ve ever wondered why your electric bill is high , despite the fact that you’ve capped the amount you use, consider when you are using the most energy. Electric companies have higher prices at peak times in order to cut down on the amount of energy consumed. So, if your electricity bill isn’t too much it is possible to lower your electricity costs by not using your appliances in the same way as all the other people!

In summer, peak hours typically fall between 12 to 6 p.m and when people are running their air conditioners to full. Limiting your use during this period or operating your AC at the higher temperature, could be beneficial and will reduce your electric bills.

Apart from the air conditioner Avoid using the vacuum, washer and dishwasher appliances during peak times to ensure that your energy use is within a reasonable range.

3. You’ve Got Leaky Doors and Windows

Doors and windows are the primary areas of leakage of heat. Even if your walls appear properly insulated, if the caulking or weatherstripping on the windows and doors is gone your heating or air conditioner will be unable to perform its job correctly. This means that they’ll need to work more which will result in a higher energy bill.

4. Your home is not adequately insulated

Inadequate insulation may be the reason your electricity bill is high. In general, heat moves from regions with more temperature to those with lower temperatures. Therefore, the it is in the indoors trying to go outside during the winter. In the end, your air conditioner has to struggle to keep a cool temperature in the summer and your furnace must work to maintain a warmer temperature in winter.

Insulation that is properly installed prevents the transfer of heat via convection, conduction and radiation. This makes it simpler the air conditioning system to keep the temperature you want to maintain. The AC doesn’t have to work overtime to cool or heat the space. This reduces energy consumption and helps avoid an expensive electric bill.

If you’re convinced of the advantages of insulation, but don’t know where to begin or how to start take a look at our 101 guide to insulation for homes.

5. You can cool your entire home Even when you don’t need to

The majority of people can only use one or two rooms at a. Yet, they have to turn on the air conditioner for their entire home. This is a huge waste of energy and can result in huge costs. To solve this problem You can set up HVAC zones. HVAC zones utilize dampers to allow you to separate your home into distinct zones, and set a temperature for each. Your AC won’t have to be working overtime to cool your entire house.

6. If you have an old HVAC System or other old Appliances

Older air conditioners use huge amounts of electricity. An average air conditioner could last for about 10 years. As they age, specific components, like the compressor, are less effective. Older compressors require a lot more energy. When Energy Star regulations become stricter and more stringent, modern air conditioners have an incredibly higher EER and SEER ratings than older models.

In addition to air conditioners older appliances, for instance washers and refrigerators are huge energy hogs. The natural wear and tear reduces the effectiveness of older appliances and they must run indefinitely and draw a lot of power. As technology advances, modern appliances are getting more efficient. An old refrigerator uses 35 percent greater energy consumption over the Energy Star certified refrigerator. Remove appliances once they’ve passed the point of their usefulness. If you don’t do this, you’ll end up spending more money on power bills.

7. You keep a spare refrigerator

A lot of people keep an extra fridge in their basement, but they don’t realize that this could be the reason their electric bills are so high. But, even if not using your refrigerator, it will consume energy if it’s connected. If the fridge in your spare is empty, you should consider whether you really actually need it. If you need to have an additional fridge, make sure that it’s always filled with somethingelse, or disconnect it.

The next time you’re wondering why your electricity bill is so expensive take a look at the refrigerator in the basement and contemplate changing it.

8. You run your hot water Heater at a High Temperature

The temperature of your water heater could be the reason why the electric bills are high. Water heaters make up between 14 and 18% of the energy bill. This means you can reduce your electric bill by reducing your the cost of water heaters. Unfortunately, most households maintain their water heaters at an elevated temperature than is needed.

Most water heaters have the option of setting a temperature that is set at 140F. Experts advise it is safe to set them at the temp of 120F. Setting your water heater to an lower temperature can help lower the energy use and also prevent injury from scalding!

Another innovative method to save the water heater bill is to insulate it with a blanket for your water heater. This can prevent the loss of heat, as well as the heater won’t require a lot of effort to keep the temperature at the desired level.

9. Dryers are frequently used.

Drying every load of laundry is one of the main causes of large electricity bills. A simple clothesline can make a huge difference in the way you lower your electric bills. Every hour you use dryers can cost anywhere from 24-72 cents. Therefore, if you utilize your dryer for each washing machine, the expense could quickly mount up. To cut down on these expenses If you are in a good weather take your clothes off drying clothes and hang your garments outside in the sun to dry. Your wallet will be grateful!

10. You Still Use Incandescent Light Bulbs

If your home is still using traditional incandescent bulbs, they could be the primary reason for your high electric bills. Incandescent light bulbs use lots of energy when in comparison the LED bulb. The estimates suggest that an typical household can save around $225 each year when switching to LED bulbs. Not only are LEDs less expensive however, they’re also extremely durable. If you decide to invest in them and you’ll not have to replace your lighting fixtures for a long time. So , what are you wasting time to do? Switch today!

11. You use your dishwasher and Washing Machine Often

Appliances like dishwashers and washing machines are known energy-hogs. In addition to their energy use and use, they also consume a lot of hot water increasing the amount of water you use. The good news is that making savings on dishwashers and washing machines is not difficult. All you need is to be more cautious. For instance, don’t use your dishwasher to wash only a tiny amount of dishes. Instead, let it wait to fully fill and then run it at the at the end in the course of your day.

Also, you don’t have to wash your machine each day. Instead, schedule a day or two for doing the whole week’s laundry. Simple and simple steps can greatly reduce your electricity bill.